21 Day Level Up Challenge!
Join the 21 Day Community Yoga and Movement Challenge from January 6th-26th and Level Up your practice!
Join Level Up Challenge
Level Up January Challenge
Level Up is an online community event and challenge to level up your practice by moving for 21 days straight! You can simply join for fun or follow the Official Rules to Win yourself amazing prizes!
Level Up Grand Prize Winner
3 Level Up finalist will be choosen to win the Grand Prize of $250 training credit with B Movement Academy, a 1 Year Subcription to the BMTV App and a new Carmu yoga mat.
Official Level Up Rules
To Win the Level Up Grand Prize Draw
Follow us @bmovementacademy on Instagram.
You must be subscribed to BMTV or Purchase a Calendar Class Pass.
Post on Instagram of you doing the 21 Day Challenge, Teachers will select the 3 finalists to Win the Grand Prize based off consistency, creativity and progress within the challenge!
Posts can be made either on your Instagram story or feed and tagging @bmovementacademy + using the hashtag #levelupjanuary , the more posts we see the better your chances at winning!
You must start the Challenge between January 6th-11th. We will stop viewing posts on January 27th and announce the Winners shortly after!
Better your Chances at Winning the Grand Prize by showing us your progress and consistency. We want to see you move for 21 Days straight! Remember to have fun and do this for you!
Subscribe to BMTV
Access Level Up Calendar by Finding a Pass that Suits you best.
7 Day Free Trial
Unlimited access to the entire video library for 1 Month
Access to Level Up January Calendar
Access to All Level Up Livestream Classes
Start your 7 day free trial
ANNUAL PLAN (Save 40%)
7 Day Free Trial
Unlimited access to the entire video library for 1 Year
Access to Level Up January Calendar
Access to All Level Up Livestream Classes
Start your 7 day free trial
Level Up FAQ
What's included in the Level Up Calendar Class Pass?
The Calendar Class Pass gives unlimited access to the entire Level Up Class Calendar including all Livestream classes and their recordings for you to keep, for life. The Pass also allows you to join the 21 Day Level Up Challenge.
Can I enter the Challenge just for Fun?
Yes! We want this to be a fun community event. You don't have to post anything if you don't want to, but if you want to win the Grand Prize you must follow the Official Rules!
When does the Challenge Start?
The Level Up Calendar starts January 6th, your first instagram post/entry must be made between January 6th-11th.
If you decide to start the Challenge on January 9th and Complete the 21 Day Challenge you would finish the Challenge on Janurary 29th but remember we are choosing our 3 Finalist on January 27th, so attempt to get as many posts in prior to the end of the challenge to increase chances of winning!
How do I join the livestream classes?
Once you purchase the Calendar Class Pass or subscribe to a specific BMTV studio pass you will be able to find all the Level Up livestreams under the Upcoming Livestreams category on the BMTV App.
How Do I Win the Level Up Challenge?
You must be Subscribed to BMTV or Purchase the Level Up Calendar Class Pass to enter the Draw. You must start the Challenge between January 6th - 11th by posting on Instagram of you doing the challenge and tagging @bmovementacademy.
Teachers will choose the 3 Winners based on consistency, creativity and progress in their challenge!
What If I'm already subscribed to BMTV, can I join the challenge?
Yes! If you are already a member then you can participate in the challenge and will receive access to all the Livestream Classes.
Do I have to post every day for 21 days?
No. Only if you want to try and complete the challenge. The more posts you have the greater the chances at winning the Grand Prize. 3 finalists will be choosen for the Grand Prizes based off consistency, creativity and progress within the 21 Day Challenge.
If you start the challenge late you can still attempt to post as many days as possible before January 27th.
Do I have to do every single class and workout on the Calendar?
No. Some days will have 2 classes or workouts, you can choose to do 1 of them or both. We just want to see you move at least once a day for 21 days!
Can I enter the challenge if I don't have instagram or if I don't want to post on instagram?
Yes! You can eithe post on instagram and tag us @bmovementacademy or post inside the community Level Up Community Channel if you rather keep your instagram account private!
Do the entry posts on Instagram have to be a video?
No. You can take a quick picture or film yourself before/during/after the class or workout and post it to your story or feed. Make sure to use hashtag #levelupjanuary and tag @bmovementacademy in all your posts!